Lowongan Kerja PT. MACMAHON MINING SERVICES Terbaru April 2023
Profil Perusahaan
Macmahon adalah perusahaan terdaftar di ASX yang menawarkan paket lengkap jasa pertambangan kepada para penambang di seluruh Australia dan Asia Tenggara.Pengalaman Macmahon yang luas dalam penambangan terbuka dan bawah tanah telah menjadikan Perusahaan sebagai kontraktor penambangan pilihan untuk proyek sumber daya di berbagai lokasi dan sektor komoditas.
Macmahon berfokus untuk mengembangkan hubungan yang kuat dengan kliennya di mana kedua belah pihak bekerja secara terbuka, fleksibel dan transparan untuk memastikan hasil yang saling menguntungkan sementara juga meminimalkan risiko bagi kedua belah pihak.
Posisi dan Kualifikasi
PT. Macmahon Mining Services is a multinational mining contractor company and has a combinedmining experience including projects throughout Indonesia.
We are seeking motivated, high qualified candidates to express their interest in joining us for potential
new project we have at the moment:
1. Project Manager
2. Deputy Project Manager
3. Commercial & Procurement Superintendent
4. Construction Superintendent
5. Maintenance Superintendent
6. HR Superintendent
7. HSEQ Superintendent
8. Training Superintendent
9. Senior Civil Engineer
10. Commercial & Procurement Supervisor
11. Construction Supervisor
12. Mechanic Supervisor
13. GA/Comrel/Govrel Supervisor
14. HR Supervisor
15. HSEQ Supervisor
16. Auto Electric Supervisor
17. Tyre Supervisor
18. IT Supervisor
19. Civil Engineer
20. Planner
General requirements:
• Broad knowledge and exposure on the Mining and Road Construction (all)
• Understands best practice mine planning processes and the ability to drive the establishment
of required planning systems and approaches (all)
• Previous experience in similar role (all), have management role experience in mining &
construction industry (No. 1-2)
• Hold POU certification (1-2)
• Ability to think creatively to develop multiple, workable options for the mining and construction
environment (all)
• Has a good understanding of Project Management standards and their application (all)
• Computer literacy and presentation skills (all)
• Strong interpersonal, influencing, communication and motivating skills (all)
• Applicants will be flexible individuals who can work under pressure in order to meet deadlines
Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan
Please send detailed resume (in PDF format) including recent photograph, to express your interest forabove positions by email to: MMSRecruitment@macmahon.co.id with details as follow;
1. Put the job title as your subject email
e.g : Deputy Project Manager
2. Write your CV file as follow “CV – Position – Name“
e.g : CV – Deputy Project Manager – Bernat Ginting
Please be aware of certain frauds or misinformation regarding recruitment advertising on behalf
of Macmahon. We never ask for any payments whatsoever from applicants or candidates during the
recruitment process. We never ask applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to
make arrangements for transportation and accommodation during the recruitment process.
PERHATIAN: Kami tetap berusaha menyampaikan Informasi Rekrutmen yang Valid melalui Weblog ini, Harap Tetap Waspada apabila pada proses rekrutmen ada Pihak/Oknum yang meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun, Kami tidak pernah meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun (biaya transportasi atau akomodasi dll ) Harap Untuk Selalu Mengabaikan permintaan dana dalam bentuk Apapun.
Tags : D3 HSE IT Jawa Kalimantan Konstruksi Mining Pertambangan S1 Sulawesi Sumatera