Lowongan Kerja PT. SUPRACO INDONESIA Tahun 2023 Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja PT. SUPRACO INDONESIA Tahun 2023 Terbaru

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Supraco Indonesia  Tahun 2021

Profil Perusahaan

PT.Supraco Indonesia (SPC) was founded in 1979 with the name of PT. Summa Prakasa Corporation aiming, initially to provide local service to many foreign oil and gas companies in Indonesia at this time. One of the business activities being managed was expatriate management services.

As the market and need widened, PT. Supraco Indonesia (SPC) has expanded its business activities to other areas in oil and gas sector. Service being provided today can be summarized into these following line businesses: Operation Support, Construction, Agency, Marine & Offshore Support, and Energy Development, mainly in operation support areas.

Posisi dan Kualifikasi


Master’s degree in an engineering,  geoscience, environmental, social or  business discipline
Not less than 15 years’ experience of  project development, preferably in a  geothermal environment.
Not less than 5 years’ experience in  project management.
Preferably, having experience in
Multilateral Bank funded projects and  experience in Indonesian government  funded projects
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English,  both written and spoken

S1 degree in Business Management, Law, Psychology Degree or other relevant field
At least 10 years’ experience working as HC/GA staff.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken.
Experience in government regulation and land acquisition would be desirable.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken

Senior Facility Engineer

At least BSc, MSc in Civil Engineering
Minimum of 10 years’ experience in the design and construction of roads, platforms and other infrastructure, including a minimum of 5 years’ experience in design, tendering and construction geothermal drilling infrastructure projects.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken.

Have the ability:
• Technical planning, contract preparation, implementation and reporting of the results of civil infrastructure FEED survey work, DED, road construction, well pad drilling and other
• Make detailed plans for project activity programs in terms of technical, cost and time. With the best standards, according to best practices and planning procedures that are accepted and relied upon in the geothermal industry
• Drafting contracts and evaluating civil FEED designs and
drilling preparation infrastructure.
• Prepare Design & Build contracts, supervise Contractor work, and evaluate the implementation of construction activities carried out by contractors. Conduct risk identification for survey activities and construction of exploration drilling infrastructure
• Sharing knowledge and experience with the EMU team

Senior Project Control

At least BSc in Engineering.
10+ years’ experience as project coordinator or project Control role
Experience of working in EPC company.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken

Senior Drilling
At least a BSc in Drilling Engineering or a related discipline.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken
Minimum of 10 years’ experience in the design of geothermal wells and supervision of geothermal drilling, with the proven ability to anticipate and troubleshoot unplanned events

Have capability of:
• Leading evaluation and assessment of drilling options and well selection including drilling market survey
• Assessment and report of drilling design, or planning of geothermal wells
• Supervision of geothermal drilling, with the proven ability to anticipate and troubleshoot unplanned
• Technical writing document and report for drilling program and completion reports"
Having a minimum basic certification on Geothermal operation supervisor or “Pengawas Operasional Panas Bumi Pertama (POP)” from EBTKE would be an advantage

Senior ESHS
S1 graduate in environmental and safety, occupational  health & safety or environmental engineering or related  discipline.S1 any discipline.
10+ years’ experience in safeguards role (HSE knowledge  would be an advantage)
Experience of working in civil construction and drilling  environments
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and  spoken.
Experience in preparation and/or supervision  environmental and social safeguards document under  government regulation and international funding (WB,  IFC and ADB etc.) consist of ESIA, stakeholder  engagement plan, grievance redress mechanism etc.
Also  has been involved in due diligence, implementation and  monitoring would be an advantage.

BSc, MSc in a geoscientific discipline, geology
A 3 - 5 years’ experience in geothermal projects in volcanic  environments.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and  spoken.

Have capability of:
• Capability and understanding on geothermal conceptConduct surface geological mapping
• Analysis of geological structures- Analysis & description rock or petrography,
• Conduct data analysis from surface - subsurface data to  develop conceptual model.
• Preferable have capabilities on processing 3D geological  modelling, geology subsurface modeling using Leapfrog,  etc.
• Preferable having experience on developing well  prognosis for drilling design

BSc, MSc in a geoscientific discipline, probably geology
A 3 - 5 years’ experience in geothermal projects in volcanic  environments in conduct the activity and supervision of  geochemical sampling and data analysis.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and  spoken.

Have capability of:
• Conduct liquid gas sampling data acquisition (especially  from thermal manifestations)
• Have good understanding on geochemistry model and  concept in geothermal system
• Conduct the analysis of chemistry composition and data  analysis from lab result (liquid and gas chemistry)
• Develop interpretation for subsurface condition  (geothermometry, reservoir fluid risks, etc.)
• Conduct data analysis from surface - subsurface data to  develop conceptual model

Environment Staff

S1 graduate in environmental and safety,  occupational health & safety or environmental  engineering or related discipline
Minimal 2 years’ experience in an as  environment staff role.
Involved in preparation environmental  safeguards under government regulation and  also understand safeguards international funding  (WB, IFC, ADB etc). Experience of working in civil  construction and drilling environments would be  an advantage
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both  written and spoken.

Social Staff
S1 graduate in social studies or related discipline
Minimal 2 years experience.
Involved in preparation social safeguards under  government regulation and also understand  safeguards of international funding (WB, IFC,
ADB etc.).
Experience of working in geothermal  would be an advantage.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both  written and spoken

Legal Staff
S1 degree in Law Degree
At least 2 years’ experience working as
legal staff.
Having knowledge and skills on drafting
contract, and related legal documents
especially for drilling contract;
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English,
both written and spoken.

HC/GA Staff
S1 degree in Business Management,
Law, Psychology Degree or other  relevant field.
At least 2 years experience working as  HC/GA staff.
Having knowledge and skills on building  management;
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English,  both written and spoken.

Document Control  Staff

Minimum of bachelor’s degree from any  discipline.
2+ years experiences as document  controller.
Experience of oil & gas or geothermal  drilling requirements would be  desirable.
Excellent capability in MS Office  software.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English,  both written and spoken.

Facility Engineer Staff

At least a BSc in Civil or Mechanical Engineering
A 3 -5 years’ experience in the design and construction of roads, platforms, water distribution system and other
infrastructure, including a minimum of 3 years’ experience in geothermal drilling infrastructure projects.

Have the following abilities:
• Support Senior Facility Engineer
• Responsible in general for technical planning, contract preparation, implementation and reporting of the results of  FEED survey work for civil infrastructure, DED, road construction, well pad drilling and other facilities
• Make detailed planning of project activity programs in technical, cost and time matters. With the best standards,  according to best practices and planning procedures that are accepted and relied upon in the geothermal industry
• Prepare contract TORs and evaluate civil FEED designs and drilling preparation infrastructure.
• Drafting Design & Build contracts, supervising Contractor work, and evaluating the implementation of construction  activities carried out by contractors.
• Conducting risk identification for survey activities and construction of exploration drilling infrastructure
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, both written and spoken.

Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan

If You Met The Requirements Needed

Send your CV to: spc.kh.gde@supraco.com
Subject Mail : Position_name

PERHATIAN: Kami tetap berusaha menyampaikan Informasi Rekrutmen yang Valid melalui Weblog ini, Harap Tetap Waspada apabila pada proses rekrutmen ada Pihak/Oknum yang meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun, Kami tidak pernah meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun (biaya transportasi atau akomodasi dll ) Harap Untuk Selalu Mengabaikan permintaan dana dalam bentuk Apapun.

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