Lowongan Kerja PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia Terbaru Oktober 2022

Lowongan Kerja PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia Terbaru Oktober 2022

Lowongan Kerja PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia Terbaru Oktober 2022

Profil Perusahaan

We lead the future of GREEN BIO by possessing the world’s very best technology and competitiveness. We have the largest share of the global lysine, tryptophan, nucleic acid, valine, SPC (Soy Protein Concentrate) market with 11 plants in 6 countries, and sales networks throughout 37 countries.

Our MISSION is to Create a Better World With Biotechnology
Our VISION is Beyond Taste & Nutrition, Make a Sustainable & Healthy Tomorrow

CJ BIO is the number one global company in the BIO market and a leader in the feed amino acid market. CJ BIO is the only company offering 8 L-Amino Acids with the ‘Best Amino’ Brand. ‘Best Amino’ leverages its advanced fermentation and refining technology to produce feed amino acids including ‘L-Lysine’, ‘L-Threonine’, ‘L-Tryptophan’, ‘L-Methionine’, ‘L-Valine’, ‘L-Arginine’, L-Histidine’, ‘L-Isoleucine’. In particular, through 8 years of R&D has succeeded in producing L-methionine using the world's first natural raw materials.
We produce world-class green bioproducts based on our accumulated microbial improvement and fermentation technologies. Thanks to our dedicated research and development of future-oriented products, we have successfully expanded our product portfolio by successfully launching ‘Arginine,’ an edible amino acid, and naturally fermented ‘Cysteine.’

Posisi dan Kualifikasi

PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia Pasuruan Plant is looking for candidates to fill positions below.

D3/D4/S1 Teknik Mesin
Minimal D3 dengan pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di industri/bidang relevan
IPK minimal 3.00
Wajib memiliki sertifikat Welding Inspector dari BNSP

D3/D4/S1 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)/Teknik Listrik
Minimal D3 dengan pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di industri/
bidang relevan
IPK minimal 3.00
Wajib memiliki sertifikat ahli K3 Listrik

D3/D4/S1 Perpajakan /Akuntansi/ Hukum /Administrasi Bisnis
Minimal D3 berpengalaman
IPK minimal 3.000
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan
Memahami Bea Cukai lebih diutamakan

D4/S1 Teknik Mesin
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di produksi/ bidang relevan
IPK minimal 3.00


D3 Teknik Mesin /Teknik Kimia
IPK min. 3.00
Fresh Graduate/Pengalaman di produksi

Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan

if you fit the qualification, fill out the form below

We will review profiles and contact the shortlisted candidates.

Please beware of recruitment fraud, PT Cheil Jedang Indonesia will never request fees or rewards during the recruitment process.

PERHATIAN: Kami tetap berusaha menyampaikan Informasi Rekrutmen yang Valid melalui Weblog ini, Harap Tetap Waspada apabila pada proses rekrutmen ada Pihak/Oknum yang meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun, Kami tidak pernah meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun (biaya transportasi atau akomodasi dll ) Harap Untuk Selalu Mengabaikan permintaan dana dalam bentuk Apapun.

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