Rekrutmen PT Epiterma Mas Indonesia Terbaru 2022
Profil Perusahaan
Established in 1987, EPITERMA has grown rapidly during 32 years of operations providing complete solutions in steel fabrication, construction, and engineering for our overseas and local customers.As a growing company in construction industry, it is in our heart to keep developing our competencies to compete in the global market. Accordingly, since 2009, we have been implementing the International Standards in Quality Management (ISO 9001:2008) and Health & Safety Management (OHSAS 18001:2007).
In 2011, PT Epiterma Mas Indonesia formed a subsidiary company namely PT Epiterma Mas Konstruksi, located at Delta Silicon II, Lippo Cikarang. Having 15,860 square metters covered area, with maximum of 20 tones overhead crane SWL, PT Epiterma Mas Konstruksi through Epiterma Workshop III is able to fabricate up to 1,500 tones of steel per month with shipping capacity about 8 containers per day. The company was certified by ASME for U and U2 stamp in 2012.
EPITERMA currently has three workshops in Cikarang, West Java, consisting of two production workshops and one warehouse for steel materials and fabrication facilities, with fabrication capacity of 25,000 tonnes per year. Moreover, in order to grow our fabrication capacity, we are expecting to complete the development of another workshop in Gresik, East Java in upcoming years.
Posisi dan Kualifikasi
Saat ini PT Epiterma Mas Indonesia sedang mencari kandidat untuk posisiQC Blasting-Painting/Painting Inspector dengan kualifikasi dan tugas sebagai berikut:
1. Berpengalaman sebagai QC Painting/Painting Inspector minimal 1 tahun
2. Mempunyai sertifikat Coating Inspector/QC Painting minimal level 1
3. Pendidikan SMA/SMK/Setara
4. Bersedia penempatan Cikarang Selatan
5. Diutamakan sudah vaksin booster
Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan
Jika berminat, segera kirim CV terbaru Anda keEmail: dengan
Subjek email: QC Blasting Painting_nama_domisili
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