Lowongan Kerja Terbaru TRIPATRA Tahun 2022

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru TRIPATRA Tahun 2022

Rekrutmen Terbaru TRIPATRA Tahun 2021

Profil Perusahaan

TRIPATRA adalah salah satu perusahaan Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC), manajemen proyek, dan Operation & Maintenance (O&M) terintegrasi yang paling berpengalaman dengan beraneka ragam layanan. Berdiri sejak 1973, Tripatra memiliki lebih dari 47 tahun pengalaman yang telah terbukti mahir dalam memberikan solusi EPC pada sektor industri energy, minyak dan gas, petrokimia, infrastruktur dan telekomunikasi, baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Tripatra merancang, membangun, mengelola dan memelihara infrastruktur milik klien-klien global dengan menawarkan layanan yang komprehensif yang dapat menjawab tuntutan industri yang selalu berubah.

Kami bergabung menjadi bagian dari Indika Energy di tahun 2007 dan menjadi salah satu pilar Layanan Energi dari Indika Energy yang memungkinkan penyediaan solusi yang efektif secara secara konsisten sepanjang rantai nilai energi. Sebagai anak perusahaan, kami telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dengan mayoritas 88% proyek EPC dibandingkan dengan anak perusahaan lainnya. Usaha dan pencapaian kami yang sukses mencerminkan kualitas dan kemampuan kami perusahaan EPC yang terdepan dalam menyediakan layanan di Indonesia.

Posisi dan Kualifikasi

Construction Supervisor



  • Construction Supervisor as the first and leading responsible person of work safety in the Job Site shall ensure Job Site is managed and given the tool to support safe work practice and process and ensure behavior and work practices of each person in the Job Site meets work safety requirement.
  • Assist and coach Construction contractors in developing CEP to ensure its completeness and quality prior to construction execution.
  • Perform inspection, measurement, and recording any work progress achievement performed by Construction Contractor including as the alternative function of Quantity Surveyor.
  • Lead coordination with material, construction equipment, QA/QC, project controls, and HES teams in construction supervision execution by Construction Contractor to ensure project construction is executed safely, on schedule, and meets requirements in the CEP approved by Company.
  • Conduct regular field supervision for construction activities performed by Construction Contractor.
  • Ensure that the construction scope of work of the Construction Contractor is completed in accordance with construction specifications and contract requirements.
  • Implement all systems, processes, and procedures for Construction Planning and Supervision Services.
  • Report to and assist Lead Construction in planning and supervision of construction execution by Construction Contractor.


  • Minimum education is a bachelor degree (S1) in civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, industry, physics, metallurgy, ot petroleum engineering with minimum 7 years or diploma (D3) in civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, industry, physics, metallurgy, or petroleum engineering with minimum 10 years working experience in construction planning, execution and supervision, with minimum 6 years of which as field supervisor in construction project of oil & gas or petrochemical handling and/or facilities.
  • The candidate shall have the capability to identify field construction problems and assist or guide Construction Contractor to solve the problems in a timely manner.
  • The candidate shall be familiar with construction schedules, methods of gauging construction productivity, specification of various construction equipment types and their operation as well as various construction techniques and procedures.
  • The candidate shall have a strong understanding and capability in implementing safe work practice in the day-to-day supervised Construction Contractor’s field activities.
  • The candidate shall have the strong supervisory capability and high skills for facilitation & coordination and networking.

Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan

Silakan apply pada Link Berikut https://bit.ly/3AaOvhv

PERHATIAN: Kami tetap berusaha menyampaikan Informasi Rekrutmen yang Valid melalui Weblog ini, Harap Tetap Waspada apabila pada proses rekrutmen ada Pihak/Oknum yang meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun, Kami tidak pernah meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun (biaya transportasi atau akomodasi dll ) Harap Untuk Selalu Mengabaikan permintaan dana dalam bentuk Apapun.

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