Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Tahun 2022

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Tahun 2022

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Tahun 2022

Profil Perusahaan

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1933 dan telah menjadi perusahaan Fast Moving Consumer Goods terdepan di pasar Indonesia. Unilever Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 40 brand yang terbagi dalam 2 segmen usaha; Home & Personal Care dan Foods & Refreshment. Unilever Indonesia telah ‘go public’ pada tahun 1982 dan saham-sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Unilever Indonesia memiliki sembilan pabrik yang berada di Cikarang dan Rungkut. Kesembilan pabrik tersebut telah mendapatkan sertifikasi halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

Visi kami adalah menjadi pemimpin di pasar global dalam hal menciptakan bisnis yang berkelanjutan; yang berlandaskan tujuan mulia (purpose-led) dan mampu bersaing dimasa depan (future-fit).

Posisi dan Kualifikasi

Assistant HRBP Manager
Cikarang, Indonesia

Main Purpose

  • To deliver HR support to the business and ensure that HR delivery is fully aligned to business goals in their area of business
  • Building and enhancing capabilities of employees
  • Overall HR service delivery
  • Organization design and culture
  • IR handling
  • Change management agent

Main Accountabilities
  • Responsible for the activation of Cikarang Human Resources Plan (including the talent component)
  • Provides input into the Talent strategy for the business through HR insight and analysis of people related business issues (people, capabilities, organization, leadership and culture) and opportunities (by activating global solutions e.g. Talent Management tools/processes and diversity metrics, etc)
  • Understands people and profiles through personal history records, IDP, DPF, engages line managers, receives feedback from across functions and through external and internal stakeholders.
  • Is responsible for putting together a Capability Building Plan (CBP) for the team they are responsible for with playing the role as People Development Lead to ensure the WCM culture implemented
  • Comes up with individual and functional CBP making sure it is aligned with the COMPASS vision & strategy as well as individual and business priorities
  • Works with PE & O to ensure they get all employee data reports and the data is correct and updated.
  • Prepares, participates and facilitates the DPF meetings and as a follow up, updates the DPF notes and ensures line managers are updated of the outcomes and IDP discussions are held accordingly.
  • Ensures that CBP is implemented by working with the teams and ensures that people are attending the trainings identified.
  • Ensures that IR situation within his/her factory conducive with set up the engagement from LM to Employees and Union representatives
  • Ensures the compliance of Labor strategy and implementation collaborate with LM is not break the statement in Labor Law or CLA
  • Strategic HR direction
  • Building talent supply
  • Organization design & effectiveness
  • Performance improvement
  • Employee/ Industrial
  • Communication
  • Business planning & implementation

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