Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk

Rekrutmen PT Darma Henwa Tbk Terbaru Agustus 2021

Profil Perusahaan

PT Darma Henwa Tbk sebagai perusahaan jasa pertambangan terintegrasi, memiliki kegiatan usaha sebagai berikut:

•  Jasa kontraktor penambangan batubara
Bisnis inti Perseroan adalah jasa kontraktor penambangan batubara. Perseroan menyediakan jasa mulai dari pembukaan lahan, pemindahan tanah
teratas, pengeboran, peledakan, pengupasan tanah, pembuangan lapisan tanah, pengambilan batubara, pengangkutan batubara, penghancuran batubara, hingga pengapalan batubara.

•  Infrastruktur Penambangan dan Jasa Lainnya
Perseroan memperluas lini bisnis ke pertambangan mineral dan infrastruktur pertambangan. Perseroan melakukan konstruksi jalan dan jembatan, pemasangan dressing plant pertambangan, pekerjaan tanah, eksplorasi pengeboran, dan jasa manajemen konsultan sipil.

•  Jasa Manajemen Pelabuhan
Sebagai bagian dari jasa pertambangan terintegrasi, Perseroan menyediakan jasa manajemen pelabuhan batubara melalui anak perusahaan, PT Dire Pratama, yang diakuisisi sejak 2015. Dire Pratama mengoperasikan manajemen batubara di area pelabuhan Lubuk Tutung, termasuk kegiatan operasional pabrik untuk proses penghancuran dan pencampuran batubara, serta pemeliharaan pabrik dan peralatan pendukungnya. Dire Pratama melakukan integrasi dengan kegiatan penambangan di proyek tambang batubara Bengalon di Kalimantan Timur milik PT Kaltim Prima Coal.

Posisi dan Kualifikasi


Job Description
Coordinate, control, and direct all survey activities, develop survey methods and use of survey tools and coordinate with the Mine Operation Department and the HSE Department to ensure workplace safety conditions which include survey activities at the mine for mining operational needs, including those related to engineering, environmental and construction to support operational activities through the presentation of accurate, complete and timely data

  1. Bachelor's degree in mining engineering/geodesy
  2. Having experience in same position minimum 3 years
  3. Male, maximum 40 years
  4. Have POP certification
  5. Having excellent experience in the surveyor mining procedure, road maintenance, civil design, HSE procedure, HRD procedure
  6. Able to work with a deadline
  7. Have good communication & attention to detail
  8. Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
Job Description
Perform identification, analysis, cost estimation, design & planning, design & drafting of all infrastructure development and repair work at the head office, representative offices, and all projects based on superiors' directions within budget constraints, procedures, and applicable HSE standards to ensure the availability of estimates, designs & relevant planning in ensuring the use functionality, effectiveness and aesthetics of infrastructure according to user demand.

  1. Bachelor degree in civil engineering
  2. Having at least 5 years experience in the same position, Preferred experience in the mining industry
  3. Minimum 30 years old, maximum 40 years old
  4. Having excellent experience in Project Management, Structural analysis program, Engineering drawing program, HSE Procedure, HRD Procedure
  5. Having POP certification is preferred
  6. Able to operate Surpac/Autocad/Minex/Civil 3P Software
  7. Willing to be placed on project construction PT Darma Henwa Tbk

Job Description
Strive to overcome non-conformance components/parts by suppliers/dealers, either partially or entirely in the framework of saving costs as well as knowing the causes of non-conformance components to be held more effective preventive action by communicating it to the supplier/dealer manufacturer.

  1. Vocational High School / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
  2. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  3. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  4. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( High School )
  5. Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  6. Male, Minimum age 30 years old maximum 45 year
  7. Knowing about Computerized Mechanical Management Systems (CMMS)
  8. Have an Applied Failure Analysis certificate is preferred
  9. Willing to be Placed in All site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
Job Description
Strive to overcome non-conformance components/parts by suppliers/dealers, either partially or entirely in the framework of saving costs as well as knowing the causes of non-conformance components to be held more effective preventive action by communicating it to the supplier/dealer manufacturer.

  1. Vocational High School / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
  2. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  3. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  4. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( High School )
  5. Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  6. Male, Minimum age 30 years old maximum 45 year
  7. Knowing about Computerized Mechanical Management Systems (CMMS)
  8. Have an Applied Failure Analysis certificate is preferred
  9. Willing to be Placed in All site PT Darma Henwa Tbk
Job Description
Regulate, supervise, and report verbally and in writing all maintenance/maintenance and tire repair activities in the project within the scope of supervision as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the work environment based on the direction of the supervisor and the schedule/planning made by the planner within the budget constraints, procedures and HSE standards applicable to ensure maximum tire lifetimes and minimize costs to support operations

  1. Vocational High School / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
  2. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  3. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  4. Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( Vocational High School )
  5. Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  6. Male, Minimum age 30-year-old maximum 45 year
  7. Having Certificate POP
  8. Only qualified candidates will be processed
  9. Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

Cara Melamar / Email Perusahaan

Please Apply Through this link : https://s.id/ApplyDH

Please be aware of certain frauds or misinformation regarding recruitment advertising on behalf of Darma Henwa.

We never ask for any payments whatsoever from applicants or candidates during the recruitment process.
We never ask applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to make arrangements
for transportation and accommodation during the process.

PERHATIAN: Kami tetap berusaha menyampaikan Informasi Rekrutmen yang Valid melalui Weblog ini, Harap Tetap Waspada apabila pada proses rekrutmen ada Pihak/Oknum yang meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun, Kami tidak pernah meminta dana dalam bentuk apapun (biaya transportasi atau akomodasi dll ) Harap Untuk Selalu Mengabaikan permintaan dana dalam bentuk Apapun.

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